Director of Environmental Services Wanda Hoffman

Face Of Caring – September 2021

We are thrilled to introduce Hastings Senior Health and Living Director of Environmental Services Wanda Hoffman, who has worked with us for close to 40 years! “Wanda always puts the residents first.  She lives close to the campus so no matter what time it may be, Wanda is available. I am the new administrator at Hasting Senior Health & Living and Wanda has been helpful on so many levels,” writes Administrator Merilee Johnson.

“The first week I was here,” Johnson continues, “we had a back-up in a drain. At six p.m., I called the plumber and Wanda, at home, came in and cleaned up all the water.”

Wanda sees no lines drawn between departments.  If there is something she can help with she will.

“Wanda is highly committed to residents and staff,” writes Chaplain Gordon Gathright. “She does an amazing job wearing many hats in environmental services. She has a super attitude, always happy and smiling and a hard worker. Wanda is diligent, patient, thorough, fun, encouraging, and cheerful.” Thank you , Wanda, for choosing to work at Hastings Senior Health and Living!