Photo of Robin Woodbury in green scrubs, smiling at the camera. Quote Robin is a hero to all of us at Chapel View.

A Valentine to Chapel View Nursing Assistant Robin Woodbury

As February is National Heart Month, we want to share a special Valentine from Marilyn Vertin Rochat, a family member at Cassia’s Chapel View Apartments. She wrote to us about Certified Nursing Assistant Robin Woodbury, who has worked at Chapel View for the past eight years.

“Robin is a hero to all of us at Chapel View,” Marilyn writes.

“Robin got my Mom up most every day, always asking to get her great, big morning hug. Robin was her best buddy. Mom could feel Robin’s energy and special consideration. Robin took special care of Mom, always worried about dry skin, or her wanting to sleep in, or needing special chatting during the day, making sure Mom  was dressed fashionably yet comfortably.”

“Robin made me and each member of our family feel special too. She would call me directly if there was an unusual situation or a care question. She always kept me, the central family member for communication, informed on how Mom was doing” Marilyn adds.

Marilyn recalls that when her mom moved to memory care, Robin was the first person to be informed and the last person who said goodbye. “It was difficult to move Mom to a facility where Robin wasn’t on the staff.,” the family member wrote. “And this isn’t unique to just Mom and our family. Robin is special to every resident and their family. Robin is an angel!”

“I like caring for older residents at Cassia and putting a smile on their faces,” Robin says. “It’s all about the residents. I enjoy giving them the comfort that they need, or encouraging them to do things they think they can’t do, or just listening to them.”

Thank you, Robin, for everything you do each day to enhance the lives of residents.